Please join us for the upcoming Edward A. Dickson Emeritus/a Lecture Talk Series. Each year three retired UCR faculty are awarded Edward A. Dickson Professorships to support their research, teaching, or public service activities. In the year following their awards, Dickson Professors give public presentations of their work sponsored jointly by the UCR Emeriti Association and Retirees’ Association.
"The Accuracy of Hamilton-Perry Population Projections for Census Tracts in the United States"
Presenter: Dickson awardee David A. Swanson
Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Time: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Location: All lectures meet online via Zoom.
Join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 928 4625 2979
Passcode: 862652
The paper underling the talk is available via "online first" at Population Research and Policy Review:
For more information, please view the attached event flyer.