Everett S. Lee Graduate Paper Award
In 2007, SDA renamed its annual graduate student paper award to honor the memory of Professor Everett Lee of the University of Georgia, who was one of our organization's founders. The award is chosen by a committee appointed by the SDA President and including at least one FSU faculty member. Consideration is limited to previously unpublished papers. |
To submit a paper for consideration for the Everett S. Lee Graduate Paper Award:
Paper Submission Requirements:
2023: Kimberly McErlean, University of Texas at Austin
Structural Constraints, the Gendered Division of Labor, and Marital Stability across Social Classes
2022: Leafia Ye, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Persistent Legal Stratification: Childhood Undocumented Status and Socioeconomic Development throughout the Life Course
2018: Emma Zang, Duke University
Women's Educational Attainment and Fertility in the United States among Generation Xers
2017: Donghui Wang, Penn State University
No Country for Old People? Elders' Perceptions Toward Own-Aging, Modernization and Social Change in China
2016: Alexa Solazzo, Rice University
Different and Not Equal: How Poverty, Race, and State-Level Abortion Laws Shape Abortion Timing
2015: Laura L. Freeman, Rice University
Cumulative Inequality and Race/Ethnic Disparities in Low Birthweight: Differences in Childhood SES
2014: Stella Min, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Relationship Between Student Loan Debt and Fertility Among Female College Graduates
2013: Monica He, University of Pennsylvania
Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Self-Rated Health: The Role of Residential Area Characteristics
2012: Isaac Sasson, University of Texas at Austin
Gender Differences in Depression following Late Widowhood: A Population Perspective
2011: Joseph Lariscy, University of Texas at Austin
The Long Plume of Childhood: Cigarette Smoking throughout the Life Course and Adult Mortality
2008: Benjamin J. Shultz, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
Inside the Gilded Cage: The Lives of Latino Immigrant Males in Rural Central Kentucky
2007: Alexander Lu, Louisiana State University
Litigation and Subterfuge: Chinese Immigrant Mobilization during the Chinese Exclusion Era
2006: Phillip J. Ganberry, University of Massachusetts-Boston
All Meetings are Not the Same: Social Capital and the Wages of Mexican Women and Men
1992: Marion Hughes, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Economic Development and Infant Mortality: A Structural Equations Approach
1991: Adansi Amankwaa, Florida State University
World Economic Systems and International Migration in Less Developed Countries: An Ecological Approach, Published in International Migration, Quarterly Review, 1995. 33(1), 95-114.
(help us fill in the history... send a note to our webmaster if you have information on past winners)