To submit a paper for consideration for the Undergraduate Paper Award:
Paper Submission Requirements:
2022: TBD
2019: Siriruay Methakitwarun, Northern Kentucky University
Immigrant Generations in Home Leaving: Do parents and peers matter?
2018: Mark Griffith, Dartmouth College
The Association between Birthplace and Wages for Recent Migrants to the U.S.
2017: N/A
2016: Anna Gallerani, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Exposure to Household Air Pollution from Cooking and Its Association with Tuberculosis Prevalence: A Case-Control Study among Primary Cooks in Peri-Urban Malawi
2014: Lindsay Parlberg, Meredith College
The Continuum of Care and Early Initiation of Breastfeeding for Women in Africa and Asia
2013: Ciarra Dortche, East Carolina University
Associations Among Neonatal Mortality Rates, Qualifications of Birth Attendant, Clean Home Environment and Birth Location Among Ugandan Women
2012: Joshua Wassink, Grinnell College
Uninsured Migrants: Identifying the Health Insurance Gap between Returned Mexicans and the Rest of the Country
2011: Olivia Healy, Cornell University
The Impact of Child Care Subsidies on Maternal Stress
2010: Mateo Clarke, University of Texas at Austin
The Unique Case of Brazilian Immigration to the United States: Comparisons between Brazilians and other Latin American Migrants
2009: Evangeleen Pattison, City University of New York (CUNY)
Impact of Parental Education on Degree Conferment among US Adults
2008: Mazen Elfakhani, University of Texas at Austin
Explaining the Rise of Religious Nonaffiliation in American Society, GSS 1972-2006
2007: Collin Payne, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Effects of Religious Switching at Marriage on Marital Stability and Happiness
2006: Tara Buentello, University of Texas at Austin
Homeownership and Housing Quality Among Mexican Immigrants in Austin, Texas
(help us fill in the history... send a note to our webmaster if you have information on past winners)